Monsterfreunde Konzert




No tickets available at the moment

Monsterfreunde Konzert


Tuesday, 21.05.2024 
Friday, 24.05.2024

Wiener Stadthalle, Hall D

No tickets available at the moment

Estimated timing (subject to change):
Admission for children: 1 hr. 30 min. before the show
Admission audience: 1 hr. before the show
Total playing time: 1 hr. 15 min.

Hooray! For more than 17,000 Monsterfreunde children, it will soon be time to raise the curtain again!
From May 21 to 24, 2024, the #glaubandich concert of Monsterfreunde will take place on the big stage in the Wiener Stadthalle. A place where the magic of community can really be felt!

Together with DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA and TI, the children travel into the world of Monster Friends. In the 75-minute concert experience, they rap their way through "26 adventures", dance "above the roofs of the world", get to know the terribly evil old witch and celebrate the magic power of music and imagination with their audience.

Important notice:
Please pay attention to your child's assigned concert when purchasing tickets. If you are unsure when your child will be performing, please ask your child's teacher before purchasing tickets.

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Monsterfreunde Konzert | #glaubandich | Di, 21.05. bis Fr, 24.05.2024 @ Wiener Stadthalle, Halle D © Monsterfreunde GmbH & CO. KG

Benefits when buying from

  • free e-ticket on your smartphone, for Apple Wallet or to print out
  • free deposit at Wiener Stadthalle box office

Monsterfreunde GmbH & CO. KG
Gußhausstraße 5/7
1040 Wien