Pauline - Mut verändert die Welt



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Pauline - Mut verändert die Welt

Saturday, 29.06.2024 
Sunday, 30.06.2024

Wiener Stadthalle, Hall F

No tickets available at the moment

Estimated timing (subject to change):
Doors open: From 1 hr. before the show
Total playing time: 2 hrs. incl. intermission

Immerse yourself in the unique world of "Pauline – Mut verändert die Welt". Travel back to 19th century Lyon together with the young, talented performers of the "KISI-God's singing Kids" ensemble. Accompany young Pauline on her moving journey as she breaks the rules of high society, leaves her old life behind and gives everything she holds dear and sacred to the weakest and poorest.

With heart-warming melodies, rousing songs and ingenious props, the young amateur actors also paint the dark side of quick success on stage. Because along Pauline's path, she encounters spotters, scammers and people who want to discourage her. Pauline remains steadfast, shows great courage and will go down in the history books as the founder of the Pontifical Missionary Works. Thanks to her selfless, sacrificial actions, thousands of schools, hospitals, orphanages and churches were built in Africa and Asia.

Their charisma lives on to this day. Millions of people around the world follow her example and give the poorest of the poor a voice and stand up for their rights.

16,000 people throughout Austria and southern Germany saw the successful musical last year. "Pauline – Mut verändert die Welt" - also in 2024. Experience the impressive family musical in the Wiener Stadthalle in 2024 and let yourself be touched.

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Pauline – Mut verändert die Welt | Sa, 29.06. & So, 30.06.2024 @ Wiener Stadthalle, Halle F © Missio

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  • free e-ticket on your smartphone, for Apple Wallet or to print out
  • free deposit at Wiener Stadthalle box office

Missio Service GmbH
Seilerstätte 12/1
1010 Wien

Condition Discount "Grande Finale"

The "Grande Finale" discount promotion takes place from 15.06.2024 up to and including 30.06.2024. The 20% discount will be calculated from the basic ticket price and automatically displayed in the price list. The promotion is valid while stocks last. The discount does not apply to tickets that have already been booked. Already discounted ticket categories are excluded from the promotion, unless this is explicitly stated. In the event of misuse, Wiener Stadthalle will refuse to issue discounted tickets. Discounted tickets may not be issued for commercial purposes. No cash redemption possible. Subject to changes and errors.