Dawood Sarkhosh
Europe Tour 2023
No tickets available at the moment
Dawood Sarkhosh
Europe Tour 2023
Saturday, 30.12.2023
Wiener Stadthalle, Hall F
No tickets available at the moment
Expected Schedule (Subject to change):
From 07.00 pm: Doors open
08.00 pm: Start
11.00 pm: Expected end incl. break
Dawood Sarkhosh's inspiration was his older brother Sarwar Sarkhosh. He revived his skills by singing and composing songs inspired by a sense of suffering in exile. Dawood did not sing for commercial gain, but out of nostalgia and to convey the feelings about refugee life as experienced by refugees of Afghanistan dispersed throughout the world. He is married to Kubra Nekzad and has three children. The family now live in Vienna, Austria.
West Coast AI AB
Afghanischer Kulturverein in Österreich
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- free deposit at Wiener Stadthalle box office