Snatam Kaur


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Snatam Kaur

Sunday, 05.05.2024

Wiener Stadthalle, Hall F

No tickets available at the moment

Entry: 6.30 pm

Start: 7.30 pm

Estimated end: 9.30 pm

Subject to changes

Snatam Kaur is coming to Vienna for the second time on Sunday 5th May with her Sacred Chant Concert - European Tour 2024. She is an American singer, performer, Grammy nominee in 2019, peace activist and author raised in the Sikh and Kundalini Yoga tradition. She has an amazing ability to transform traditional Sikh chants of India into a contemporary sound that appeals to the modern ear and awakens an ancient yearning in the soul.

The Austrian premiere had to be postponed several times due to the pandemic; The sold-out concert and workshop in summer 2022 will be unforgettable. On this Sunday evening in May 2024, the Wiener Stadthalle will be transformed into a temple. The healing sounds of the mantras are more than a concert - deep listening, shared meditation and the power of frequencies create a unique atmosphere. When Snatam Kaur and her band step on stage, something happens that can hardly be described… Sat Nam!

Snatam Kaur & Band:

  • Snatam Kaur - Vocals, Harmonium
  • Grecco Buratto - Guitar
  • Ram Dass - Clarinet, Guitar, Vocals
  • Sukhmani Kaur - Tabla

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Snatam Kaur | So, 05.05.2024 @ Wiener Stadthalle, Halle F © Gadcon GmbH

Benefits when buying from

  • free e-ticket on your smartphone, for Apple Wallet or to print out
  • free deposit at Wiener Stadthalle box office

Gadcon GmbH
Mölker Bastei 3/7
1010 Wien

Green Event

The organisers are striving to organise the Snatam Kaur concert in accordance with the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Events.
