
Flying Hänsel and Gretel


No tickets available at the moment

Flying Hänsel and Gretel

Friday, 13.09.2024

Wiener Stadthalle, Hall F

No tickets available at the moment

Expected timing (subject to change):
From 06.30 pm: Doors open
07.30 pm: Start
09.00 pm: Expected end

As the organizer Cayenne Marketingagentur GmbH announced on 25.01.2024, the show "Flying Hansel and Gretel" has to be postponed to 13th September 2024 due to technical production reasons. 

Alternative date: 
Thu, 15.02.2024 | NEW: Fri, 13.09.2024

All tickets purchased remain valid and do not have to be exchanged. If you are unable to attend the alternative date for personal reasons, the ticket can be returned to the respective advance booking office where it was purchased.

We kindly ask for your understanding!

The world-famous dance group Flying Steps presents its latest dance sensation: "Flying Hansel and Gretel". After thrilling millions of viewers worldwide, the Flying Steps are now coming to Austria to thrill audiences with their unique interpretation of the Brothers Grimm's classic fairy tale. The Austrian tour promises a spectacular combination of breathtaking acrobatics and contemporary dance that pushes all boundaries of what is possible.

In 2024, on the occasion of the Berlin Dance Company's thirtieth anniversary, the Flying Steps will present their next coup: "Flying Hansel and Gretel". A little more than a decade ago, Vartan Bassil and Christoph Hagel started a global triumphal procession with Flying Bach. Now they are reviving the Brothers Grimm's classic in a surprisingly contemporary, powerful, fast-paced and visually powerful way!

Cayenne Marketingagentur GmbH
Heiligenstädter Straße 31/11
1190 Wien

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Flying Hänsel und Gretel | Fr, 13.09.2024 @ Wiener Stadthalle, Halle F © Cayenne Marketingagentur GmbH

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  • free e-ticket on your smartphone, for Apple Wallet or to print out
  • free deposit at Wiener Stadthalle box office