Sascha Grammel
No tickets available at the moment
Sascha Grammel
Thursday, 11.07.2024
Wiener Stadthalle, Hall D
No tickets available at the momentExpected timing (subject to change):
From 06.30 pm: Doors open
07.30 pm: Start SASCHA GRAMMEL
10.00 pm: Expected end incl. intermission
Everyone please stand on your toes for a moment! There is news from the house of Grammel!
After his so far four, frenetically celebrated, highly praised, dearly loved and therefore also rightly platinum-awarded live programs "HETZ MICH NICHT!", "KEINE ANHUNG", "ICH FIND'S LUSTIG" and last "FAST FERTIG!", conjures our incorrigibly good-humored-blond-streaked Spandau ventriloquist pride now just his latest, dreamlike-emotional, again wonderfully silly live program "WÜNSCH DIR WAS" loose-fluffy from the hat, the sleeve or from the belly.
Sascha Grammel's "WÜNSCH DIR WAS" is one giga-sized puppet comedy wonder bag and a must-see, must-laugh and must-come-again not only for absolute Grammel fans!
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- free deposit at Wiener Stadthalle box office
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1050 Wien