Georgian Legend
No tickets available at the moment
Georgian Legend
Tuesday, 14.11.2023
Wiener Stadthalle, Hall F
No tickets available at the momentExpected Schedule (Subject to change):
From 07.00 pm: Doors open
08.00 pm: Start
10.20 pm: Expected end incl. break
National dance show "Georgian Legend" in Vienna!
On November 14, 2023, the national dance show "Georgian Legend" will perform on the stage of the Wiener Stadthalle with the program "Samaia"!
Georgian dances are looking for their equal in vain. Dancing on the toes, twirling on the knees is a great art. And only the women... Have you ever seen Georgian women gliding across the stage - like swans on a mirror-smooth water surface.
The subtle interweaving of plots, brilliantly embodied on stage, breathtaking sets and costumes, and the highest level of lighting and sound make this show an experience.
The Georgian artists of the "Georgian Legend" show earned applause in more than 50 countries on all continents such as Germany, Sweden, England, USA, Japan, Canada, and China.
Kompanova d.o.o.
Saveljska cesta 94A
1000 Ljubljana
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030352 Bukarest
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