Live 2023
Thursday, 31.08.2023
Wiener Stadthalle, Hall D
No tickets available at the momentExpected Schedule (Subject to change):
06.30 pm: Doors open
07.30 pm: Start Support - My Ugly Clementine
10.10 pm: Expected end
Support (subject to change):
My Ugly Clementine
New date: August 31, 2023
Tickets for the original, postponed due to illness, date (15.04.) remain valid for Thursday, 31.08.2023!
The band's statement:
"Hey everybody, first of all thank you for your patience and your messages during the last days.
We have good news for you: There are replacement dates for the cancelled concerts in Munich, Vienna, Zurich and Frankfurt.
Your already purchased tickets remain valid for these dates.
However, if you are unable to attend the new dates, you can return your tickets to the ticket provider where you bought them and get a refund.
See you soon on tour."
Christopher, Henning and Severin
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Benefits when buying from
- free e-ticket on your smartphone, for Apple Wallet or to print out
- free deposit at Wiener Stadthalle box office
Barracuda Music GmbH
Alser Straße 24/13
1090 Wien