Sarah Connor

"Not so silent night" - Tour 2023


No tickets available at the moment

Sarah Connor

"Not so silent night" - Tour 2023

Thursday, 14.12.2023

Wiener Stadthalle, Hall D

No tickets available at the moment

Expected Schedule (Subject to change):
From 07.00 pm: Doors open
08.00 pm: Start
10.00 pm: Expected end

There are a few things that simply belong to the Christmas season: Baking cookies, cleaning the boots, decorating the Christmas tree and of course: Sarah Connor's Christmas albums! The exceptional singer has always had a soft spot for this time of year. With the two classics "Christmas in my Heart" and "Best Side of Life", the soul queen already released one of the most successful Christmas albums of all time in Germany over 15 years ago.

With her new Christmas album "NOT SO SILENT NIGHT" Sarah Connor now presents a Christmas album that is completely free of cover versions and exclusively with new works describes the many facets of the most beautiful time of the year.

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Sarah Connor | "Not so silent night" - Tour 2023 | Do, 14.12.2023 @ Wiener Stadthalle, Halle D © Show Factory Entertainment GmbH

Benefits when buying from

  • free e-ticket on your smartphone, for Apple Wallet or to print out
  • free deposit at Wiener Stadthalle box office

"Show Factory" Entertainment GmbH
D´Orsaygasse 4, Top 2-3
1090 Wien

Safety Information!

As the organizer Show Factory Entertainment has informed us, that for this concert Backpacks and larger (hand) bags are not allowed. FORBIDDEN.

It is expressly pointed out not to take larger items to the venue and to limit oneself to taking the essentials such as tickets, keys, medicines or cosmetics, money and mobile phones (other electronic devices such as GoPro´s, tablets, selfie sticks and any recording devices are not permitted).

As a guideline for bags carried, the organizer has communicated the following: Maximum size of DIN A4 (21x29 cm) can be taken to the concert.

Visitors are requested to arrive at the Wiener Stadthalle in time to facilitate the work of the security forces, ticket controls and body checks, and to shorten waiting times.

Here you can find the general security information of the Vienna Stadthalle.

Click here for the terms and conditions of the organizer.

We wish you a great concert evening and good entertainment in the Wiener Stadthalle!